All your tech purchases regret-free

Make regret-free purchases with tech insider knowledge and experience.


When you buy a new Mac, you get one shot at configuring it in a way that will give you the performance you want for the number of years you plan on keeping it. But how do you make sense of RAM memory, SSD storage, and processor? How would you know that buying the 1TB model of iPad Pro has 16GB of RAM compared to half that in any lesser models, when most salespeople don’t even know?

This is where having Tech Concierge to provide product purchasing advice tailored to your life and your system comes in. Standing in the store? Just call your Tech Concierge. Better yet, when you get home with your new produce we can be prepared to make sure it’s working brilliantly.

Personal tech shopper support is included in Executive and Residences memberships. It is also available à la carte by request. For à la carte services, please contact us for availability.

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