Deflationary IT
James James

Deflationary IT

Here’s what happens when you lower your fees for three years while inflation skyrockets.

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What is Bitcoin?
money, bitcoin James money, bitcoin James

What is Bitcoin?

I spent two years and a couple thousand hours studying Bitcoin. Bitcoiners call this “doing the work.”

I took the time to write the best, shortest of all possible summaries of what Bitcoin is, for someone who hasn’t done the work, but is getting more and more nervous as Bitcoin becomes a bigger and louder part of the daily news narrative.

This is my introduction to Bitcoin.

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Apple ❤️ ChatGPT
James James

Apple ❤️ ChatGPT

Imagine a ChatGPT AI that does almost anything for you on your iPhone. Because it can. It can make phone calls for you, it can book reservations at a restaurant for you. It can check in on the kids while you’re in a meeting.

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PrintNightmare: Microsoft’s urgent warning about your PC, and your options.
James James

PrintNightmare: Microsoft’s urgent warning about your PC, and your options.

On the heels of a massive ransomware attack, Microsoft just announced to the world a major Windows vulnerability that makes using a PC feel like driving a car with a bomb in the trunk. If this is starting to feel like the movie Groundhog’s Day, you’re not alone. And if this is unacceptable to you, here’s what to do about it.

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The world’s best Apple-Authorized data recovery.
James James

The world’s best Apple-Authorized data recovery.

I recently spent two years of my life working with the team at DriveSavers. There are other data recovery companies out there, but no company has the unique set of experiences, decisions and philosophies that happen to make DriveSavers the best in the world, without exception.

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What you really look like online.
James James

What you really look like online.

In our new normal, Zoom, Skype and Google Meet are where we meet up, hang out, do business, teach/learn, and even party (responsibly). This raises important questions: Does how you look online matter? And how do you look your best?

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Thoughts on the iPad Pro
James James

Thoughts on the iPad Pro

Apple’s new iPad Pro is a beautiful instrument. It’s precisely what I expected, and so much more. Besides being awesome at anything I need in business, it is also great for movie-night snuggling.

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Why do executives with $1,000 iPhones still use Windows PCs?
James James

Why do executives with $1,000 iPhones still use Windows PCs?

With each year’s next generation, Apple’s iPhone is almost perfectly aligned with an executive’s priorities: Easy to use, reliable, fun and extraordinarily useful. A Windows PC is very much the opposite. It’s a tool, much like a typewriter.

So why do some executives with $1,000+ iPhones still use Windows PCs?

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Apple’s store closures is the Gold Standard of social responsibility.
Social Responsibility, Apple James Social Responsibility, Apple James

Apple’s store closures is the Gold Standard of social responsibility.

With just six days to go until Christmas, Apple just closed all 53 Apple Retail stores in California, dozens of stores across Utah, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Alaska, Nebraska, New Mexico, and another 16 stores across the UK, Mexico and Brazil. What caught my attention about the press coverage around Apple’s action is the almost total lack of attention to what is so incredible about this.

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Upgrading to macOS Big Sur? Do this first.
James James

Upgrading to macOS Big Sur? Do this first.

A new macOS upgrade is out in the wild today. I think it’s a great upgrade, but no matter what, there will be someone today who lose all their data as a result of upgrading. It happens every year, like clockwork, and it’s totally preventable.

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