Apple ❤️ ChatGPT

This is an important reminder: This blog is written for professionals. Not geeks and nerds who dwell on the esoteric.

This blog is for curious and confident, forward-leaning tech afficianados. I’m one of them, and I created Tech Concierge for people like me. I care about business, family time, my hobbies, reading books and running. In business I care about storytelling and teaching, and becoming better at both constantly to serve the community of professionals that I enjoy working with.

To me, a piece of technology is a game-changer when it…. well… changes the game in any of those things I care about. I know it was a game-changer in hindsight because I can’t imagine the world going back to the way it was (corded rotary phones, yellow pages, Thomas Guides, financial calculators that cost $185 and being limited to 12 pictures in a roll of film that I have to pay first to know if any were good… ugh).

OK, to the point. Today OpenAI is going to share it’s new Assistant technology, and its all but certain that Apple, who has been preparing for this day since the introduction of Neural Cores in the iPhone 8 and X, is going to welcome ChatGPT into your phone.

Imagine a ChatGPT AI that does almost anything for you on your iPhone. Because it can. It can make phone calls for you, it can book reservations at a restaurant for you. It can check in on the kids. It can schedule your next haircut, and it can follow up with you when it sees conflicts on your calendar, but most of the time it won’t because you can train it to resolve conflicts for you.

Cutting to the chase: Today is the day that Apple finally let’s Siri go. Siri’s been with us since 2011, but it never grew with us.

Apple, if the rumors are right, is taking the single biggest step in history by decentralizing AI to each of us, to the outer edges of the Internet, which are our phones, instead of centralizing our dependency in some servers in the cloud.

I am ready and I want to help you get ready too! I’ve taken over 300 hours of ChatGPT training and education and distilled the basics (plus some awesome extras) into a class that’s about one hour. The single most important skill you’ll need for this year, this decade, and the future is to learn how to communicate well with AIs. I am launching my Learn ChatGPT Essentials today for private, individual classes as well as private group classes (you and up to eight of your human friends. If you want to make it a party!).

Check it out here.


Father, husband, technologist, entrepreneur and aspiring flaneur. I love learning and teaching.


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