Stop the noise.

Take back your zen and privacy with Nostr, the decentralized social network.

Algorithm making you angry?
Enough is enough.
Tell X to go X itself.

Sometime on August 20 2023 Elon Musk tweeted that no one should be able to block anyone on X (Twitter). In that instant, women, dozens of other marginalized groups, journalists and more realized they had no protection from personal, targeted and organized abuse.

A disconnected class with power and privilege has taken over the social platforms we use to stay connected to friends and family. Now, they’re just massive machines — Twitter, Instagram, Facebook — that harvest your personal life data to sell it to the highest bidder.

Surprising? Not really. Unhealthy? Yes. Dangerous? Absolutely.

Is it time to exit the abuse? Yes.

Fortunately, there is an exit. It’s called Nostr.

Nostr is an incredible replacement for Twitter/X and other social networks, and the big difference is that Nostr isn’t a company. There are no Nostr employees. No servers. No Nostr CEO. No stock symbol. No board of directors trying to figure out how to take advantage of you.

Nostr is decentralized technology. The creators of Nostr released it into the wild with a design that lets it run by us, with no one else involved. It was created by people just like you, who want privacy and self-sovereignty more than anything. Decentralized tech is the future.

This is how you take power away from tech companies and keep it for yourself.

Tell X to go X itself. Join Nostr and invite your friends.

Invite enough friends and someone (maybe an owner?) at X will finally understand how a student loans feels. To the tune of $44 billion.

Want to get started on Nostr? Here’s a simple starter.


Let’s connect on Nostr here.